El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 5 de abril de 2021...,
Cuba por Vilma, en una clara mañana de la sierra (+Video).
El ejemplo de la heroína fue exaltado, también, en una reunión virtual de altas autoridades del ALBA-TCP, relacionadas con los asuntos de la mujer y género...,
El sociólogo James Petras se refirió al ataque en al capitolio que se cobró la vida de un policía y dijo que las autoridades no tienen ninguna preparación, los que denuncian la violencia que ocurre no está preparado para evitarla. …
“Quiero acabarme contigo”: El amor profundo de Gabriela Mistral y Doris Dana.
Autor: La Cuarta....,
Mié 7 Abr 2021
Se conocieron en 1946, cuando una exposición de su obra llevó a la poeta hasta Nueva York. Allí, la estadounidense decidió contactarla. A través de una carta comenzarían un vínculo que las uniría hasta la muerte de la Premio Nobel. “Es cosa muy seria el que se separen los seres”, le escribió antes la chilena.
Pero es solo eso. Es una imagen que esconde toda una humanidad, a una persona de carne y hueso. Y durante décadas, en distintos ámbitos, hablar de la vida amorosa de Gabriela Mistral, profesora, poeta y ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1945, fue un poco un “escándalo”, un secreto a voces que se omitía porque “no existían pruebas”.
En conmemoración de su nacimiento (7 de abril), se puede decir de Mistral que desde hace ya un buen tiempo, los años han permitido que muchos archivos, antes ocultos, muestren las facetas de la artista alejadas del viejo mito entorno a ella. La poeta amaba y odiaba con intensidad, vivía y su corazón latía con fuerza.
Más sobre Libros
Poniéndola en el contexto de su época, María Elena Wood, documentalista que estudió los últimos años de vida de la poeta, dijo a BBC Mundo en 2016: “Mistral provenía de una familia pobre del interior chileno, no tenía padre, era más alta de lo común y de rasgos indígenas, y tenía una personalidad conflictiva y fuerte. Por si todo esto fuera poco, era lesbiana”.
Cómo empezó todo
Gabriela Mistral y Doris Dana, escritora estadounidense, construyeron durante años un profundo vínculo amoroso en la última parte de la vida de la chilena, el cual se empapó de celos, júbilos, inseguridades, deseos, distancias y una enorme confianza mutua.
«Doris, es cosa muy seria el que se separen los seres”, le escribió Mistral una vez, en vista de que pasaban mucho tiempo en distintos lugares. “Eso está lleno de peligros, eso es un peligro constante. De tu lado, no del mío».
Esta relación solo con el paso de los años ha salido del campo de los rumores y las habladurías. En 2009, el semanario The Clinic puso en su portada una foto a toda plana de Gabriela Mistral y este titular irónico: «¡Era lesbiana! ¿Qué hacemos?». Ello después de la publicación de Niña errante, un libro póstumo con cartas que la poeta enviaba a Doris.
Se conocieron en 1946, cuando la profesora y poeta hizo una exposición de su obra literaria en el Barnard College, en Nueva York. En ese entonces, Mistral tenía 57 años y Dana 26.
Atraída por la chilena, Doris le escribió una carta que, en retrospectiva, sería decisiva en el destino de ambas: “Mi querida maestra…”, partía el texto y se excusaba que su motivo era para una traducción. Aquel escrito inaugura una intensa correspondencia mutua que las unió hasta el último día de Mistral en la Tierra.
“Es muy bonito esto”
Con los años, se han publicado estas cartas que reflejan el profundo vínculo que existía entre Doris y Gabriela. Algunos extractos de estas conversaciones fueron rescatados en el documental de María Elena Wood, en Locas mujeres (2011), cinta que retrata la intimidad de ambas escritoras.
—Yo te quiero —le pregunta la estadounidense en una conversación—, ¿tú me quieres?
—No sé cómo tú te portes después, todavía no creo yo en ti— le responde Gabriela provocadoramente.
—¡Siete años y no crees! Siete años que estamos juntas —replica Doris y luego lanza una tierna frase—: Desde el 48. Es muy bonito esto, ¿no?
También hay momentos —retratados en las cartas de Niña errante— en que la chilena expresa la fragilidad que siente al tener tan lejos a Doris. «El infierno puro que ha sido para mí tu silencio de siete o más días», le escribe.
Y, otra ocasión, le responde a la estadounidense: «En cuanto a tu miedo de perderme, tu falta completa de confianza, yo no me merezco eso, que me da un poco de cólera y un mucho de tristeza, casi de amargura. Yo no soy una sinvergüenza, no, mi amor, yo no soy eso que tú imaginas. Soy una desgraciada si tú sigues sin tener fe en tu Gabriela».
Abrazos, lluvias y vientos
El 22 de abril de 1949, cuatro años después de ganar el Nobel y ocho años antes de su muerte, la poeta le escribe a Doris:
—Tú no me conoces todavía bien, mi amor. Tú ignoras la profundidad de mi vínculo contigo. Dame tiempo, dámelo, para hacerte un poco feliz. Tenme paciencia, espera a ver y a oír lo que tú eres para mí.
Luego, en un español algo precario, la estadounidense le responde con una larga parrafada, tierna, apasionada, por momentos frágil también:
—Veo el cielo, recuerdo millones de cielos sobre la cabeza más querida en el mundo —arranca su manifiesto—. Y pienso “este mismo cielo toca a la cabeza de mi querida”, y yo mando a ti un beso, un toque tierno y apasionado por las nubes que pasan, que tal vez van a verte pronto.
Y más adelante, continúa, lamenta no poder estar cerca de ella, pero se las arregla para encontrar consuelo con su imaginación:
“Y tengo celos de estas nubes que pueden verte más pronto que yo”, dice. “Y el viento, el viento me abraza, y yo ruego al viento: ‘Abraza a ella para mí, haga que ella, que es mi abrazo, tierno, y apasionado’. Yo me pongo en el viento y en la lluvia tierna, para que estos, viento y lluvia, pueden abrazarte y besarte para mí”.
El suspiro final
En otro diálogo, Mistral reflexiona sobre amores que solo son una ilusión, una triste fachada: “Las vidas que se juntan aquí, se juntan por algo. Y están esos encuentros que se tienen que fracasan, que se casan y ellos creen que se adoran y es fracaso…”.
Ahí Doris le recuerda que es su aniversario. Ya llevan siete años juntas.
Luego, Gabriela remata el momento:
—Lindo… Hay que cuidar esto, Doris, es una cosa delicada el amor.
Tras la muerte de la autora de Tala (1946), Doris vivió cincuenta años más, hasta el 2006. Y mientras pudo, custodió celosamente, y hasta el último día, miles de documentos que la poeta no quiso publicar. Pero el escenario cambió ya con ambas fallecidas.
En una ocasión, en diciembre de 1948, la autora de Lagar (1954) le escribió a la estadounidense: “Cuando tú vuelvas, si es que vuelves, no te vayas enseguida. Yo quiero acabarme contigo y quiero morirme en tus brazos”.
Nueve años después, el 10 de enero de 1957, en Nueva York, su voluntad se cumplió, cuando ya daba su último respiro.
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Un caso sangriento
Hay quienes están vivos porque el asesinato es ilegal.
No fue fácil. Le juro a usted que no fue fácil. Nunca en mi vida pensé que algún día llegaría a matar con mis propias manos a alguien que vivía bajo mi techo y llevaba mi sangre. Todos los que me conocen pueden decirle a usted que soy una persona pacífica, pero las circunstancias nos llevan a veces a los humanos a conductas extremas.
Parece que sospechaba la tragedia, porque huía de mí. Lo perseguí por todas partes acechándolo con nocturnidad, premeditación y alevosía, esperando que se cansara de huir. Por fin lo encontré tranquilo y sin pensarlo dos veces le asesté el golpe mortal. Sonreí con crueldad al ver aquella sangre suya que también era mi sangre, aquella sangre que delataba mi crimen.
Le repito a usted que para mí no fue fácil, pero no me arrepiento de lo que hice porque sé que individuos como él han infectado y matado a personas como yo.
Si usted hubiera sentido la misma desesperación que yo sentí aquella noche, estoy seguro que también lo hubiera matado. No me dejaba dormir, ya me había picado tres veces y no encontré otra forma de librarme de él.
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Lee Siu Hin
April 10, 2021
It’s been a year since the COVID outbreak around the world. During this time over 130 million people have become infected and 2.83 million have died, as of April 3rd, 2021; as a social justice and medical activist I have been working non-stop to fight against the pandemic through community education, mask donations and countering the racist, anti-China propaganda campaign in the U.S.
On top of that, throughout 2020 we also needed to fight against injustices amplified by Trump’s anti-immigrant policies and racist anti-Asian-American violence; we have had to support healthcare workers and the Black Lives Matter movement demanding justice. Our book, “Capitalism on a Ventilator” co-edited by Sara Flounders, which compares China's success and the U.S. failure in their pandemic responses, was even banned by Amazon!
Video: China Daily TikTok Video Report: “Capitalism on a Ventilator” was banned by Amazon
Since Biden won the election, many people believe it’ll be getting better; however, COVID rates are still as high as at this time last year, with the fourth wave coming in the U.S. and already engulfing Europe; Biden is detaining the highest numbers of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in years; the new administration is turning up war rhetoric against China and Russia with stepped up military campaigns; there is more anti-Asian American violence while people no longer talk about de-funding the police. The hopes for a U.S. exit from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are getting dimmer; expect increased spending that will hyper-fatten the capitalists, potential inflation that’ll hurt the poor; and U.S. “exporting” toxic inflation to the Global South caused by printing more money; the injustices of Trump are no different then Biden’s injustices – the rich will get richer and the poor will be getting poorer without COVID-vaccines.
Link: 2/23/2021: Vaccine Imperialism: China vs. the Western World
People are enjoying a false sense of “normalcy” while blaming China for their own failure, even pushing for more hawkish stands against China. That’s the reason why, just after I’d returned from the China medical factfinding solidarity trip of 2020, I decided to return to China for another medical solidarity trip at the end of March 2021.
Link: Journey to My Home 2020: Lee Siu Hin-My International COVID-19 Medical Fact-Finding Solidarity Trip
Part One:
Part Two: Three: Four:
The trip will also be a promotional tour for the upcoming Chinese edition of “Capitalism on a Ventilator.” After the Amazon censor saga, our book got noticed by the Chinese media and a Chinese publishing house contacted us to discuss publishing the book in Chinese. Someone is helping us with the translation; if everything works as planned, it could be available in Chinese bookstores within a few months.
PHOTO: Brought several dozen U.S. activism books for gifts in China
It’s a great honor that our book will be read by hundreds of thousands of people in China. It will be an opportunity for the China factfinding mission to meet with a wider-base of community activists and academia, as well as also planning our international medical solidarity work.
On March 21st after I tested negative on my COVID test in Los Angeles, I left LAX for Guangzhou, China flying on a China Southern Airlines Airbus 380 jumbo jet. It was 70% full, mostly overseas Chinese students returning home.
VIDEO: 3/21-23 LAX-Guangzhou
Unlike western airline companies, the Chinese airlines are far stricter on epidemic safety measures for their flights: every flight attendant wears PPE, no catering service is offered for the 14-hour flight (only a snack bag).
After arriving in the Guangzhou International airport on 3/23 (a 14-hour flight, but because of the time difference, we “lost” two days), China doesn’t want to take any chances in keeping COVID at bay, so they’re still enforcing very strict procedures to check every entering passenger.
We had to have another COVID test upon entry, and then they sent us to a quarantine hotel for the14-day lock-down observations (rooms are $50-$100/night, plus food so we hope soon we will no longer need to stay at the quarantine hotel). To further minimize the risk, we must stay only one person per room, a nurse checks our body-temperature twice every day, PCR tests are given every 5 days, we need to pass everything and obtain a green passing code from the government’s COVID health authority in order to be discharged from the quarantine hotel and be free to go anywhere. Without a green code, you cannot go anywhere, can’t take a train, can’t stay at a hotel, and can’t be allowed to enter many buildings.
PHOTO: During my 14 days of quarantine my code will remain red; until I complete the quarantine and am discharged from the hotel, it won’t change to green to enable me to travel freely anywhere.
VDIEO: 3/23-4/6 My 14-Day Quarantine Life in Hotel
During my 14-day stay at the quarantine hotel, I order online takeout food, jog daily 6 KM (4 miles) indoors; I continued my activism work online.
PHOTOS: We cannot leave the room; each door has a chair outside in the hall. The hotel staff will bring the deliveries and leave them on the chair.
Chinese TV has daily coverage of the country’s nationwide vaccination efforts, global vaccine solidarity in support of other countries, rapid economic recovery and the positive, vibrant energy across the country.
PHOTO: At the end of March, Ruili – the Chinese southwestern border town near Myanmar, had a small COVID outbreak. The local government quickly organized the COVID vaccination campaign for all 300,000 residents within 5 days in early April.
PHOTO: A new state-of-the-art mobile vaccination bus in China, to serve the people who don’t have time to go to the vaccination center.
VIDEO: Chinese Vaccination Theme Song
VIDEO: Vaccination Center at the Nanjing Medical University
April 4th marks China’s Qingming festival (which follows the lunar calendar); it's equivalent to Memorial Day in the U.S. Traditionally people hike to their family ancestral grave for the memorial; it is also a day where community members pay their respects for the country’s martyrs. High schools across China organized their millions of students for a day of hiking to memorials for their local martyrs to pay their respects to the people who sacrificed their lives for the country. On April 3rd a high school from the north central city of Guyuan organized 2,000 students with their teachers for a 40-miles round-trip hike to the memorial making headlines in the country.
VIDEO: In Guyuan 2,000 Students on a Hiking Trip to the Martyrs Memorial
VIDEO: 100-Year History of the Communist Party of China
This is in comparison to the ongoing disorganized failure of the U.S. anti-pandemic work under Biden, the renewed lockdowns and the vaccination disasters in Europe, and the unavoidable new waves of COVID surges in these countries.
I am sick and tired about what I am seeing everyday in the U.S.: the racists and the oppressed people fighting; fundamental COVID response failure; extremely greedy, selfishness and economic injustice where the rich keep on stealing from the poor and the Global South, fascist QAnon anti-science idiocy, while the majority of Americans can conveniently and comfortably shift their failure to China, socialism, Russia, Iran, Syria, “welfare queens,” and Venezuela without feeling any shame.
Some say COVID has been a “mirror” to reflect the true nature of the good, the bad or the ugly.
On April 6th, after passing the last COVID test, I will be free to leave the quarantine hotel, go to Shanghai, and begin my China activism trip.
More updates from my China solidarity trip will be following.
Photos: Part One
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About Lee Siu Hin
Lee Siu Hin, a Chinese-American immigrant activist from Los Angeles, CA. He was born in Hong Kong, China and is a fifth generation Chinese-Japanese migrant from Kobe, Japan.
Lee founded and is national coordinator of the China-U.S. Solidarity Network (CUSN) and the National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN). He is a long-time community, labor, antiwar and immigrant rights activist working with NISN, a national grassroots immigrant activist network; and CUSN, a network of academic and community activists in both countries committed to build a China-U.S. grassroots activist dialogue.
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
ActionLA Network
Activist Video Service
China-US Bi-National Activist Solidarity Network
A long-time Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles reporter and producer, Lee was a war correspondent between 1992-2005 in the Middle East, Europe, Mexico and Africa, and has published hundreds of articles, short video documentaries and photo essays.
was a primary organizer of anti-globalization actions of D2K LA (August
2000), the 2001-2003 anti-war protests against U.S. invasion of
Afghanistan and Iraq, the May Day 2006 immigrant rights march, and the
China-U.S. international activists solidarity project. Between 2016-2020
he organized a dozen U.S. activist delegations to China, and
delegations of Chinese activists to the U.S.
holds a Masters of Science (Aerospace Engineering) and a Masters of
Public Administration from California State Polytechnic University,
Pomona, California.
He runs a medical IT technology non-profit that
is developing a mobile health care system based on big data to help
people living in inner-city communities and the Global South to manage
their health care.
Lee lives and works between Los Angeles, California, and Shanghai, China. e-mail: WeChat: 16266953405 Twitter: @siuhin
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--National Immigrant Solidarity Network
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National Immigrant Solidarity Network
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Lucy Ella Gonzales Parsons, a working-class leader and spouse of one of the Haymarket martyrs, died March 7, 1942 in Chicago.
Lucy Ella Gonzales was born in Texas in 1853 of African-American, Mexican and Native-American ancestry. She worked for the Freedmen’s Bureau after the Civil War. She married Albert Parsons and both fought for African-American voting rights and against the KKK lynch terror. Threats forced them to flee Texas and they settled in Chicago in 1873 where Lucy became a dressmaker and an early organizer of the garment workers’ union. Albert worked for a newspaper until his union activities led to his dismissal.
Albert Parsons was one of eight labor leaders framed and tried for the Haymarket bombing, which is generally attributed to a police provocateur. Albert Parsons wasn’t even present at Haymarket, but was caring for the couple’s two children while Lucy Parsons was organizing a meeting of garment workers. After the Haymarket frame-up, Lucy led the campaign to free her husband.
The late labor history scholar Bill Adelman wrote what is the definitive story of Haymarket. Read it here at the Illinois Labor History Society website.
A paragraph from his description indicates the significance of the event and the horrors that all involved endured:
“The next day martial law was declared, not just in Chicago but throughout the nation. Anti-labor governments around the world used the Chicago incident to crush local union movements. In Chicago, labor leaders were rounded up, houses were entered without search warrants and union newspapers were closed down. Eventually eight men, representing a cross section of the labor movement were selected to be tried. Among them were (Albert) Parsons and a young carpenter named Louis Lingg, who was accused of throwing the bomb. Lingg had witnesses to prove he was over a mile away at the time. The two-month-long trial ranks as one of the most notorious in American history. The Chicago Tribune even offered to pay money to the jury if it found the eight men guilty.”
Albert Parson was one of eight who were convicted and one of four hanged on November 11, 1887. In June of 1893, Illinois Governor John P. Altgeld pardoned the 3 men still alive and condemned the entire judicial system that had allowed this injustice. They are honored with a monument at Waldheim Cemetery, which Lucy Parsons led the fight to erect. (Her grave is located a few feet from the monument.)
Lucy Parsons spent her life fighting for worker’s rights, civil liberties and against racism while raising their children after her husband’s execution. Her politics have been variously described as radical, socialist, anarchist and communist. She became involved in the International Labor Defense, fought for the freedom of Sacco and Vanzetti, Tom Mooney and the Scottsboro Nine.
She led many demonstrations of the unemployed, homeless and hungry, including a memorable 1915 Poor People’s March of the Unemployed of over 15,000 people in Chicago on January 17, 1915, where “Solidarity Forever” was sung for the first time. IWW songwriter Ralph Chaplin had finished writing “Solidarity Forever” two days prior. Marchers demanded relief from hunger and high levels of unemployment.
The demonstration also persuaded the American Federation of Labor, the Jane Addams’ Hull House, and the Socialist Party to participate in a subsequent, huge demonstration on February 12, 1915
For years Lucy Parsons was harassed by the Chicago Police Department, who often arrested her on phony charges to prevent her from speaking at mass meetings. Following her death in a suspicious fire at her home, the police and FBI confiscated all her personal papers and writings. But her fighting spirit and contributions to making this a better world will not be forgotten.
Photo: Lucy Parsons, 1886, public domain.
Y EL..
Represión, prisión política, criminalización de la
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Documentacion | ||||
Fecha | País | Grupo | Categoria | Titulo |
2021 03 22 | Colombia | Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) | Comunicado | Para el ministro que es militar desde la incubadora |
1987 03 01 | Guatemala | Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo (PGT) | Comunicado | 1987: Año de importantes luchas |
2021 03 18 | Ecuador | Partido Comunista del Ecuador-Sol Rojo (PCE-SR) | Comunicado | Enarbolar la rojísima bandera de la Comuna de París como arma de combate |
2021 03 17 | Colombia | FARC-EP (Segunda Marquetalia) | Comunicado | En solidaridad con las familias victimizadas en Sumapaz |