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El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 5 de abril de 2021 ...,Pensamiento.
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La muerte del príncipe Felipe fue anunciada por el Palacio de Buckingham |
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Apuntes sobre la crisis de la izquierda independiente x Guillermo Cieza.
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Pueblos indígenas y reparto agrario en el pensamiento de León Trotski x Bárbara Funes.
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Juego perverso de la derecha de "flexibilizar" la aplicación de la vacuna y posteriormente cobrarle al gobierno por cada muerto que que debió ser vacunado y no lo fue..., Mundo.Katz: "En América Latina puede haber un avance popular muy importante en el próximo período"x Mario Hernández / Claudio Katz.
Entrevista con Claudio Katz :: "Ecuador es clave, porque al igual que Bolivia y Chile, es uno de los países donde más ha estado presente la lucha y la movilización popular"...,por.Frédéric Thomas....,
por Emir Sader...,
Worthington writes this week, "Moving the 'high-value detainees' solves
the immediate problem of the broken prison block in which they were
living, but it does nothing to solve the bigger problem of the broken
prison itself. In the review of the prison's future that Biden
administration officials have promised,
with the suggestion that the prison's closure is Biden's aim, the six
men cleared for release need to be freed, and the administration needs
to accept that it cannot continue holding indefinitely men it has no
intention of putting on trial, and must charge or release the 22
'forever prisoners,' including the six who are also so-called
'high-value detainees'." Continue reading...
You remember that Obama issued an order to close Guantanamo more than 12 years ago? Biden seems, maybe, to have said he might close the torture camp, if Congress allows it. Which it won't. For better or worse, each as commander in chief, could order it closed, forcing the issue.
example, "in 1875 the Republicans enacted the first specifically
anti-immigrant law, the Page Act, which prevented the immigration of
Chinese women (can't be birthing Chinese-ancestry people here, now can
we – sound familiar?). Then in 1882 they enacted the both-sexes Chinese
Exclusion Act. About 40 years later came the infamous, Republican,
Immigration Act of 1924. It banned all immigration from all of Asia and
set severe quotas for immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe,
among other restrictions." Read more here...A listening recommendation: has an excellent series of podcasts, hosted by Samantha Goldman. Most are about 30 minutes long. Take a look here at the variety of guests interviewed and select some that you'd like to hear. You can also listen on Apple, Google or other podcast platforms, or on Youtube. You won't be disappointed.
Lucy Ella Gonzales Parsons, a working-class leader and spouse of one of the Haymarket martyrs, died March 7, 1942 in Chicago.
Lucy Ella Gonzales was born in Texas in 1853 of African-American, Mexican and Native-American ancestry. She worked for the Freedmen’s Bureau after the Civil War. She married Albert Parsons and both fought for African-American voting rights and against the KKK lynch terror. Threats forced them to flee Texas and they settled in Chicago in 1873 where Lucy became a dressmaker and an early organizer of the garment workers’ union. Albert worked for a newspaper until his union activities led to his dismissal.
Albert Parsons was one of eight labor leaders framed and tried for the Haymarket bombing, which is generally attributed to a police provocateur. Albert Parsons wasn’t even present at Haymarket, but was caring for the couple’s two children while Lucy Parsons was organizing a meeting of garment workers. After the Haymarket frame-up, Lucy led the campaign to free her husband.
The late labor history scholar Bill Adelman wrote what is the definitive story of Haymarket. Read it here at the Illinois Labor History Society website.
A paragraph from his description indicates the significance of the event and the horrors that all involved endured:
“The next day martial law was declared, not just in Chicago but throughout the nation. Anti-labor governments around the world used the Chicago incident to crush local union movements. In Chicago, labor leaders were rounded up, houses were entered without search warrants and union newspapers were closed down. Eventually eight men, representing a cross section of the labor movement were selected to be tried. Among them were (Albert) Parsons and a young carpenter named Louis Lingg, who was accused of throwing the bomb. Lingg had witnesses to prove he was over a mile away at the time. The two-month-long trial ranks as one of the most notorious in American history. The Chicago Tribune even offered to pay money to the jury if it found the eight men guilty.”
Albert Parson was one of eight who were convicted and one of four hanged on November 11, 1887. In June of 1893, Illinois Governor John P. Altgeld pardoned the 3 men still alive and condemned the entire judicial system that had allowed this injustice. They are honored with a monument at Waldheim Cemetery, which Lucy Parsons led the fight to erect. (Her grave is located a few feet from the monument.)
Lucy Parsons spent her life fighting for worker’s rights, civil liberties and against racism while raising their children after her husband’s execution. Her politics have been variously described as radical, socialist, anarchist and communist. She became involved in the International Labor Defense, fought for the freedom of Sacco and Vanzetti, Tom Mooney and the Scottsboro Nine.
She led many demonstrations of the unemployed, homeless and hungry, including a memorable 1915 Poor People’s March of the Unemployed of over 15,000 people in Chicago on January 17, 1915, where “Solidarity Forever” was sung for the first time. IWW songwriter Ralph Chaplin had finished writing “Solidarity Forever” two days prior. Marchers demanded relief from hunger and high levels of unemployment.
The demonstration also persuaded the American Federation of Labor, the Jane Addams’ Hull House, and the Socialist Party to participate in a subsequent, huge demonstration on February 12, 1915
For years Lucy Parsons was harassed by the Chicago Police Department, who often arrested her on phony charges to prevent her from speaking at mass meetings. Following her death in a suspicious fire at her home, the police and FBI confiscated all her personal papers and writings. But her fighting spirit and contributions to making this a better world will not be forgotten.
Photo: Lucy Parsons, 1886, public domain.
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Los niños en el centro del amor
Las seis décadas que cumplen de fundados los círculos infantiles, invitan, no solo a celebrar por lo que han contribuido en la sociedad cubana, sino, también, a implementar todo cuanto perfeccione su labor
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El ejemplo de la heroína fue exaltado, también, en una reunión virtual de altas autoridades del ALBA-TCP, relacionadas con los asuntos de la mujer y género
Qué debe ser un joven comunista (+Video).
La Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas tiene que definirse con una sola palabra: vanguardia. Ustedes, compañeros, deben ser la vanguardia de todos los movimientos. Los primeros en estar dispuestos para los sacrificios que la Revolución demande, cualquiera que sea la índole de esos sacrificios. Los primeros en el trabajo. Los primeros en el estudio. Los primeros en la defensa del país...,
10 DE ABRIL 2021.
2021 03 30
| |||||||||||||||||||
Fecha | País | Grupo | Categoria | Titulo | |||||||||||||||
2021 03 22 | Colombia | Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) | Comunicado | Para el ministro que es militar desde la incubadora | |||||||||||||||
1987 03 01 | Guatemala | Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo (PGT) | Comunicado | 1987: Año de importantes luchas | |||||||||||||||
2021 03 18 | Ecuador | Partido Comunista del Ecuador-Sol Rojo (PCE-SR) | Comunicado | Enarbolar la rojísima bandera de la Comuna de París como arma de combate | |||||||||||||||
2021 03 17 | Colombia | FARC-EP (Segunda Marquetalia) | Comunicado | En solidaridad con las familias victimizadas en Sumapaz |
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