viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024

JOVENES COMBATIENTES DE TODO EL MUNDO.HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE....,Nuestramérica. Programa radial de Resumen Latinoamericano: Argentina y Venezuela. By Resumen Latinoamericano on 28 marzo, ....Nación Mapuche. Lof Ralil Guerrero, Chayahue, Comuna Calbuco: Defensa al Espacio Ceremonial Nguillatuw....,,MIGUEL ENRÍQUEZ - A sus 80 años y sobre la vigencia de su legado ....,Chile. El Gobierno de Boric destina 26 salares de litio para la inversión privada (+video). Resumen Latinoamericano, 28 de marzo de 2024. En el marco de la Estrategia Nacional del Litio también se decidió que dos yacimientos quedarán bajo control estatal. El Gobierno de Chile anunció el...., OIM: No dejan de morir los migrantes huyendo de los conflictos. By Elena Rusca 29 marzo.... Desempleo en Chile alcanza el 8,5%: Análisis del último informe del INE. By El Clarín de Chile ....,Desalojo de toma en San Antonio: masacre desconocida en la historia urbana de Chile.....,,

Boletin: Miguel Enriquez,2024.

Lucha Ideologica,Revolucion 

o Reformismo,Parlamento 

Burgues o Poder Popular.

29 de marzo de 2024.

Nuestramérica. Programa radial de Resumen Latinoamericano: Argentina y Venezuela.

Resumen Latinoamericano 28 de marzo de 2024

ARGENTINA: Crónica de miles de despidos y de una política devastadora contra el pueblo / El 24 de Marzo multitudinario como ejemplo de Resistencia // VENEZUELA: El gobierno abortó una nueva conspiración que buscaba terminar en magnicidio. El verdadero perfil de la gorila pro yanqui María Corina Machado y a la vez Nicolás Maduro ya está en carrera para su reelección.

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Nación Mapuche. Visita en Esquel al PPM Matías Santana Ñanco Huala, miembro del Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu: “Esto me fortalece”.

Resumen Latinoamericano, 27 de marzo de 2024

Comunidades mapuche tehuelche autónomas se reunieron en la Unidad Penitenciaria 14 de Esquel en una muestra de apoyo a Matías Santana Ñanco Huala, detenido y miembro de la comunidad Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu.

“Pude ver cuando venía ingresando la gente que está afuera”, comentó Santana en una llamada telefónica, “Y eso me fortalece, me pone contento, porque a veces igual uno piensa estar solo acá. Pero bueno, ahí está el acompañamiento y está la creencia”.


En Argentina el Pueblo Nación Mapuche vive aún hoy una dictadura racista, la democracia nunca nos llegó, les pido que en éste 24 de Marzo no se olviden de exigir la libertad del weychafe Matías Santana preso político mapuche, por la memoria, verdad y justicia para las naciones indígenas en éste país profundamente racista


Mari mari pu lamuen, en estos momentos estamos necesitando ayuda económica ya que estamos a punto de viajar a ver a Matías y sólo pudimos costear pasajes de ida, viajamos con nuestros dos niños y ni hablar de las cosas que está necesitando el lamuen adentro de la cárcel para seguir sosteniendo está prisión política, con la difusión también ayudan mucho. Mañum.

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Vietnam, Gaza, Guantanamo — NYC starting this Thurs. 4/28
NYC World Can't Wait


Starting tomorrow Thursday March 28 and continuing on Friday March 29: The entire conference will be free and open to the public to join in-person at Columbia University (recordings will be posted on YouTube after the event. Please check out all the sessions and register at this link if you would like to attend in person. A major guest-speaker is the woman who as a child was the girl savagely napalmed whose photo became iconic in mobilizing understanding and outrage. The photographer who took the picture is also coming. A big focus is on "truth-telling" in war (with analogies to Gaza)

Thursday and Saturday for Gaza

On Thursday March 28, Genocide Joe, joined by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, will be in NYC at Radio City Music Hall for a major campaign fundraiser. Come to the area around 49th St. and 6th Ave. early, 5:00 pm or before.

On Saturday March 30, there will be a big Land Day demonstration starting at 5:00 in Times Square.

Save the date: Wednesday April 3 — Our monthly vigil to Close Guantanamo

Please join World Can't Wait and other co-sponsoring organizations from 4:00-5:00 pm on the steps of the main Public Library on 41st Street and 5th Avenue. We are part of the global vigil with other actions taking place around this country and around the world. Suggested readings for this month are here and here.

Visit the Facebook Event page for further information.
Make a donation online
Send checks or money orders, payable to "World Can't Wait"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of World Can't Wait's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: World Can't Wait. • •

Check out Sudan's Struggle, a project of World Can't Wait volunteer Carol DudekWorld Can't Wait | (646) 807-3259 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-74

Moscú: en manos de tribunales cuatro hechores directos de los asesinatos.

Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda y Fariduni Shamsiddin se declararon culpables en su totalidad.

Tribunal arresta a los terroristas del Crocus City Hall

por RT Actualidad.
El Tribunal Basmanny de Moscú ordenó este domingo una medida preventiva durante las investigaciones contra los terroristas que perpetraron el ataque en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall.
El ganador de estos comicios en su primera vuelta fue ministro de Asuntos Exteriores durante el caótico Gobierno de 2020-2023 del inconformista político Igor Matovic.

Profecía de Urayoan.
por Roy Brown

Les escribo un breve mensaje para recodarles que Profecía de Urayoan está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales. Pueden buscarlo a través de mi página web o por su plataforma digital favorita (Spotify, Apple music, YouTube, ect.) Además, por ahí vienen nuevos proyectos para ustedes. 


¡Muchas gracias siempre por el apoyo!

Roy Brown

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Chile 11 septiembre de 1973: Los chilenos más buscados por los golpistas.
El Mercurio, el miércoles 26 de septiembre de 1973, días despues del Golpe contra el Gobierno de la Unidad Popular.

por Manuel Cabieses D.

El Bando N° 10 de la Junta Militar golpista dio a conocer a mediodía del 11 de septiembre de 1973 las 34 personas que debían entregarse en el Ministerio de Defensa o sufrir duras las consecuencias de su rebeldía. Junto con difundir el Bando por la cadena de radios controlada por los militares, se iniciaron los allanamientos de los domicilios y oficinas de esas personas y una búsqueda que se prolongó varios días. La mayoría no se presentaron como les exigía el Bando N° 10. Algunos encontraron asilo en embajadas y otros fueron detenidos o asesinados. Muy pocos lograron salir clandestinamente del país. Varios fueron a prisión y más tarde se les expulsó del país.

Los chilenos incluidos en el Bando N° 10 fueron:

1.- Carmen Gloria Aguayo (Ministra de la Familia, dirigente del Mapu)

2.- Carlos Altamirano (secretario general del PS)

3.- Clodomiro Almeyda (canciller)

4.- Laura Allende (diputada socialista)

5.- Jorge Arrate (socialista)

6.- Vladimir Arellano (comunista)

7.- Pascual Barraza (comunista)

8.- Orlando Budnevich (abogado)

9.- David Baytelman (comunista)

10.- Mireya Baltra (comunista)

11.- María Elena Carrea (senadora socialista)

12.- Julieta Campusano (senadora comunista)

13.- Luis Corvalán (secretario general del PC)

14.- Vladimir Chávez (comunista)

15.- Jacques Chonchol (economista, Mapu)

16.- Manuel Cabieses (director de la revista Punto Final)

17.- Jaime Concha (ex intendente de Santiago)

18.- Nahum Castro (socialista)

19.- Lisandro Cruz Ponce (socialista, ex ministro)

20.- José Cademártori (comunista, ex ministro)

21.- Miguel Enríquez Espinosa (secretario general del MIR)

22.- Edgardo Enríquez Frodden (Ministro de Educación)

23.- Luis Espinoza (diputado socialista)

24.- Miria Contreras (secretaria del Presidente Allende)

25.- Jaime Faivovich (socialista, ex intendente de Santiago,

 redactor de Punto Final)

26.- Luis Figueroa (presidente de la CUT, comunista)

27.- Fernando Flores (ministro de Defensa, Mapu)

28.- Luis Godoy (ministro del Trabajo, comunista)

29.- Luis Guastavino (diputado comunista)

30.- Guillermo Garretón (secretario general del Mapu-Garretón)

31.- Jorge Godoy (ministro del Trabajo, comunista)

32.- Bruno García (jefe del GAP)

33.- Nelson Gutiérrez (dirigente del MIR)

34.- Jaime Gazmuri (secretario general del Mapu-Gazmuri)

En horas de la noche del mismo día se difundió el Bando N° 19. 

Disponía la captura de otras 48 personas, entre ellas el personal 

de secretaría del Presidente Allende, periodistas de La Moneda y 

funcionarios del gobierno depuesto

Imagen relacionada

May be a black-and-white image of street and crowd

Los sobrevivientes, cuatro mujeres y dos hombres, fueron trasladados a un refugio temporal en el subdistrito de Samatiga. Los pescadores y los sobrevivientes dijeron a The Associated Press que el barco había zozobrado a unos 25 kilómetros (16 millas) de la playa de Kuala Bubon, en la provincia de Aceh.


The outrage of continuing war crimes
Debra Sweet for World Can't Wait


You'll be forgiven if you think this is an image of Gaza. It's Mozul, Iraq, a decade ago.  

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal just released this video.  The bloody destruction of Mosul by U.S. led coalition forces is examined in detail with particular emphasis on the complicity of U.S. weapons manufacturers. War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity are revealed by the evidence gathered in this installment of the Tribunal.

The war crimes in the U.S. war "of" terror on the Middle East — i.e. Shock & Awe... Abu Ghraib... Trump's use of a 10K bomb on Afghanistan... the funding on ongoing war in Syria, Yemen... the destruction of Libya — were used by Netanyahu last fall in justifying Israel's bombing campaign on the people of Gaza. That's rich, but not untrue. It's not the politician in power — Bush, Obama, Clinton — but the system of capitalism-imperialism which shapes these war crimes, continuing over decades.

It's up to the people to act in the name of humanity to stop the crimes of our government.

 Wednesday April 3 Global Vigils to Close Guantanamo

Join us in NYC, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, LA, Minneapolis, Cobleskill NY and London and  Mexico City. Note: NYC vigil is 5:00-6:00 pm ET.

Held for 900 Days Since Being Approved for Release from Guantánamo: Sanad Al-Kazimi, a Yemeni Torture Victim, by Andy Worthington:

The ninth article in my ongoing series about the 16 men approved for release from Guantánamo, noting how long they have been held since those decisions were taken, telling their stories, and tying publication of these articles into significant dates in their long ordeal. This article focuses on the case of Sanad al-Kazimi, seized in the UAE in January 2003, and held in Emirati custody and CIA “black sites” until September 2004, when he was flown to Guantánamo, where he has been held ever since without charge or trial. He was finally approved for release in October 2021, after over 12 years of tortuously slow review processes that began under President Obama.

Good to see Jeremy Kuzmarov, the editor of Covert Action magazine summarize Biden's continuation of Guantanamo in Twenty-Two Years After It Was Created, Guantanamo Bay Prison Remains a Monstrosity.

Biden has not only failed to close the Guantánamo Bay prison but has upgraded it, financing a $4 million courtroom for secret military hearings even though lawyers argued that the end of the war in Afghanistan invalidated the legal basis for keeping Guantánamo Bay open.
In June, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, a law professor at the University of Minnesota and at Queens University in Belfast, issued a 23-page report which concluded that inmates at Guantánamo had been subjected to “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” that “may meet the legal threshold of torture.”

Debra Sweet, Director, World Can't Wait
Stephanie Rugoff, Coordinator,

Make a donation online

Send checks or money orders, payable to "World Can't Wait"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of World Can't Wait's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: World Can't Wait. • •

Check out Sudan's Struggle, a project of World Can't Wait volunteer Carol DudekWorld Can't Wait | (646) 807-3259 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402

Activists Around the World Demand: An Israeli Cease Fire NOW! U.S. Hands-Off Gaza! Egypt Open the Rafah Crossing NOW!

Palestinian-American, Chinese-American and Egyptian activists are together in Cairo for an international humanitarian mission and to fight against the Zionist war machine paid for by the U$A

Report from Gaza-Part One

Lee Siu Hin 李小轩
National Coordinator
China-US Solidarity Network
National Immigrant Solidarity Network

March 26, 2024



As of March 25th over 32,000 Gazans have been killed, at least 74,000 injured; and at least another 8,000 are still missing, believed to be buried under the destroyed buildings.  At least 360,000 houses have been destroyed by the Israeli Defense Forces IDF, or we peace activists call them IOF–The Israeli Occupation Forces, in the brutal Gaza invasion since Hamas began “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” on the October 7, 2023.

Israel’s ultimate goal is the total blockade, destruction, genocide and ethnic cleansing of every Palestinian in Gaza. To do this, the IOF are also systematically and deliberately targeting humanitarian convoys that are carrying desperately needed food and medicine. At least a dozen trucks carrying food have been attacked and destroyed and nearly 200 humanitarian workers have been killed as of early March. Several hundred Gazans have also been killed by the IOF while waiting for food, including in the notorious Flour Massacre on February 29th in northern Gaza when over a hundred people were killed by the IOF.

That is, without a doubt, a crime against humanity! Yet the United States, Israel’s most important ally and military backer, has intentionally vetoed the past three United Nations (UN) draft resolutions (October 8 and December 8, 2023, and February 20, 2024) calling for a ceasefire and full access to humanitarian aid.

Instead, the U.S. insists that Israel has the “right to defend itself” and has continued to send multi-billion dollars worth of military aid to Israel, including an additional $14 billion requested by the Biden administration, and quietly approved more than 100 arms sales since October 7th.

By contrast during the same period the U.S. has sent $180 million, a relatively small token, for the people of Gaza; that’s approximately $1460 for each Israeli just for weapons vs. $85 in “aid” for each Gazan. 

While helping Israel block aid convoys by road, the U.S. responded by launching ineffective and expensive air-drops parachuting 38,000 pallets of Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs) five months after the assault on Gaza began; tasteless, totally useless military rations sent to Gazans who desperately need real food, water and medicine. The airdrop operation also caused chaos and accidents on the ground, killing at least five people and injuring ten others by these U.S. aid packages dropped from the air, according to the media.

Egypt, bordering with Gaza, is the most important host country to receive the international aid, shipping it by truck into Gaza via the famous Rafah crossing. Because the Egyptian government historically has very close relationships with the U.S. and Israel, they don’t want to upset either of them by completely opening the border for international humanitarian operations. Instead, Egypt blocks and even detains international activists who want to challenge the Israeli blockade at the Rafah crossing.             

A Call from International Communities
Facing this critical situation the international community drafted a letter to the Egyptian government supporting the international grassroots initiative to send an aid convoy to Gaza through Rafah.

Video: Lee Siu Hin Cairo, Egypt - A trip to support the struggle of the Palestinian people and break through the Israeli blockade to deliver relief supplies to Gaza

The letter was initiated by the Arab International Centre for Communications and Solidarity (AICCS) and signed by more than 12,500 people from Egypt, other Arab countries and international supporters (including me). It petitioned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt to issue “a permit to send an aid convoy to Gaza through Rafah, whereby petitioners and other volunteers will steer and accompany the convoy at their own risk.”

AICCS called upon all free people and all Arab and international entities and individuals “to support this initiative by either volunteering to partake in the convoy and/or to express support for this initiative through statements and letters.”

A meeting was supposed to be held on March 12th to discuss this with the Ministry but the Ministry canceled the meeting at the last moment without rescheduling.

Obviously, the big imperialist power doesn’t want to allow international efforts to break the U.S.-backed Israeli blockade that prevents humanitarian assistance from reaching the people of Gaza fighting for justice. Also, those in Egypt who profit from continuing the blockade, including some international NGOs, would lose out.  

However, international activists aren’t giving up; there have been many international medical activists from different grassroots Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and humanitarian organizations who have entered Gaza to help people and who have filed factual reports to the world.

One of them is Susan Abulhawa.  

Interview with Susan Abulhawa in Cairo, Egypt
Susan Abulhawa is a U.S.-based Palestinian novelist, poet and activist, the executive director of the Palestine Writes Literature Festival and the founder and co-director of Playgrounds for Palestine, an organization to support children. She’s been entering Gaza from Cairo, Egypt, with her Egyptian activist friends who have formed a committee to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza since early this year.

We represent China and Chinese-Americans who want to join their humanitarian efforts so we made a special trip to Cairo in mid-March to meet with her.

(Photo: 3/13 Lee Siu Hin interview Susan Abdulhawa at Cairo, Egypt)

She explained that what she saw in Gaza was much worse than what we have seen on the U.S. news: “Israel is not just targeting humanitarian organizations and activists. They are targeting all the infrastructure of life. They are making sure that not only are they destroying everything but they are destroying the possibility of rebuilding.”

What does she mean by “the centers of life? It is the schools, the hospitals, the community centers. These are generally in every society. All of that stuff has been targeted. All of our cultural centers, the museums and the libraries, the people they have targeted have been the scientists, the doctors, the writers.”

“When you commit a holocaust, when you want to destroy a people, you destroy the brightest among them, you destroy the people who can rebuild the society and who can create a society anew.  And those are the people they have targeted.”

We ask her what the grassroots organizations in Egypt locally and internationally have been doing for Gaza. “There're a lot of organizations who want to go into Gaza to help. Unfortunately, Israel has blocked really everyone. There are no [international] journalists in Gaza because Israel is blocking every international media outlet from actually going in and reporting the truth. There are aid organizations who want to go in who cannot. Some medical aid has been going in via delegations of doctors. They go in for a week or two weeks and then they leave.”

Everything is difficult. “They come in with their expertise but they don't have the right equipment to work with … when 30 out of 36 hospitals are destroyed, and the operating rooms are down to the bare minimum, most what's left don't have reliable electricity.” They don't have enough medication. “They don't have anesthesia … Israel is banning scissors, so you cannot have medical scissors go into Gaza. So, a lot of things are banned. And even though some medical experts are going in … what they can do is limited, and also it depends on what part of Gaza. So, in the north of Gaza, nothing really is getting in.”

At the end of the interview, she had a special message to China, and how China can support Palestine. “China is a really important geopolitical player in the world. And so far, it has been mostly quiet. They vote the right way at the U.N., and some of the statements they make are great but we need China not just to be working towards becoming an economic powerhouse, but China has a chance to become, not just an economic and political force, but a moral force.  And this, this is the time to do that, for China to become these things.”

(Photo/Video: March 14 24--Cairo, Egypt Palestinian-American activist Susan Abulhawa purchasing items for her humanitarian mission to Gaza)

After the interview, we went to the wholesale district at Cairo’s city center to purchase the lists of humanitarian items to take into Gaza for their upcoming trip. Mostly basic, everyday items, such as: running shoes, shibshib (sandals), batteries, books, notepads, over-the-counter medicines, coffee. The most expensive item is a video projector with a portable solar power generator so they can show videos to the kids. 

What Are We Going to Do Next?
The U.S. imperialist policy in the Middle East will not change. It will continue to back the Zionist state, continue to destroy Palestine and continue to destabilize the region. Regardless who wins the U.S. election in November, Biden or Trump, the IOF invasion and occupation of Gaza and other Palestinian lands won’t end -- the injustice has already continued for the past 70 years.

We’re actively working with international and local organizations, repressing peace loving Chinese people and Chinese-Americans, collecting medical donations to enter Gaza for our humanitarian mission soon. We want to see an end to the suffering of the people in Gaza and to bring much needed food and medical assistance. We’re going to continue to fight for peace and justice; we are going to continue to fight for our better future. We’re calling for a Free Palestine!

About Lee Siu Hin 李小轩
Lee Siu Hin, a Chinese-American immigrant activist from Los Angeles, CA, is the founder and national coordinator of the China-U.S. Solidarity Network (CUSN) and the National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN). He is a long-time community, labor, antiwar and immigrant rights activist for grassroots struggle. He's also a long-time Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles unpaid reporter and producer and war correspondent who has worked in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

NISN is a grassroots-based national immigrant activist network, and CUSN is a network of academic and community activists in both countries committed to building a China-U.S. grassroots activist dialogue.

Lee holds a Masters of Public Administration (MPA) and a Masters of Engineering (Aerospace) from California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, located in Pomona, CA.

He is currently working on medical IT technology for the inner-city community, and for the global south. He travels frequently between China and U.S. for the activism work.

His latest book “Capitalism on a Ventilator” was co-published with Sara Flounders in September 2020; the Chinese edition was released in January 2022. He contributed to “Sanctions: a wrecking ball in a global economy” published in December 2022 and produced the documentary “Vaccine and Sanctions” released on February, 2023.  

His second documentary “Voice of Xinjiang” still under production, a short version was released on December, 2023.

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National Immigrant Solidarity Network 

ActionLA Network 
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China-US Solidarity Network 

China Delegation Project

Tel:  (626)394-0710
Please consider making a donation to the important work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network,Action LA and Peace NO War

Send check pay to:

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751

Dorinda Moreno.
Armando Rendon

This is a major happening for a deserving community resource. Thanks for all you do!

Dorinda Moreno, Fuerza Mundial, 50th Anny Commemoration of Ethnic Studies, Women of the Americas project. 805 268-7340

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 3:59 PM Hazel & Lucas, CAUSE <> wrote:
Dorinda Moreno;​​​​
 A diario llegan a la frontera sur de Estados Unidos miles de migrantes de diferentes nacionalidades. Imagen de archivo.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, pidió este viernes (26.01.2024) a los republicanos del Congreso que aprueben un proyecto de ley bipartidista para controlar la migración que permitiría "cerrar la frontera" con México "cuando esté colapsada".

"Lo que se ha negociado sería -si se aprueba como ley- el conjunto de reformas más duras y justas, para garantizar la seguridad de la frontera, que jamás hayamos tenido en nuestro país", afirmó en un comunicado. 

29 de marzo  de2024.


29 de marzo de 2024


Radio Bilingue - Red Nacional de Radio Pública Latina

29 de marzo de 2024

Edición Impresa 

29 de marzo de  2024

Edición impresa

Edición Impresa Descargar

ES ILEGAL.Melinka.2024.





Chile Patriarcal: Aumenta el reporte de violencia contra las mujeres.  

Movimiento de La Peña del Bronx.

28 de marzo de  2024



29 de marzo de  2024

Europa :: 29/03/2024.

Test-media: ¿Cuánto valía nuestra información sobre la fragmentación de Yugoslavia? x Michel Collon.

Con perspectiva resulta un poco menos difícil verificar si hemos sido informados correctamente sobre Yugoslavia. ¿Se podía presentar la guerra de la OTAN como "humanitaria"?.....,Medio Oriente :: 29/03/2024

El aparato de desinformación de Israel: un arma clave de su arsenal x Tariq Kenney-Shawa.

La estrategia se centra en convencer de que la Resistencia palestina utiliza a los civiles como escudos humanos e infraestructura civil con fines militares, convirtiéndolos en objetivos legítimos...,Mundo :: 29/03/2024

Para una relectura del Manifiesto Comunista x Armando Hart.

El lector al confrontar la evolución humana transcurrida desde entonces con las líneas esenciales del Manifiesto, confirmará que el capitalismo ha continuado su marcha descarnada....,Mundo :: 29/03/2024

Cuando Níger manda a paseo a EEUU x Said Bouamama.

Al intentar imponer por la fuerza su visita a Níger, una alta delegación estadounidense fue maltratada hasta el punto de que el presidente de la nacción se negó a recibirla....,Venezuela :: 29/03/2024

EEUU mantiene la estrategia de crear una "explosión política y social" para derrocar a Maduro x Guilherme Correia.

Las próximas elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela están previstas para el 28 de julio....,Cuba :: 29/03/2024

El hombre de los dos jabones x Tatiana Coll.

El internacionalista cubano que pasó 10 años presos en la Somalía dependiente de EEUU...,Pensamiento :29/03/2024.

Imperialismo y culturalismo x Samir Amin.

Con las teorías que entienden el proceso histórico del mundo como una evolución de civilizaciones o culturas cerradas y aisladas nos están dando gato por liebre.....,Chile :: 28/03/2024.

Chile marcha por Palestina: “Mientras exista el sionismo, no habrá paz” x Andrés Figueroa Cornejo.

Se replicaron las manifestaciones en prácticamente todas las ciudades del país andino..,Mundo :: 27/03/2024..

Manifiesto Feminista Antiimperialista: Las mujeres no somos propaganda de guerra x

Construir un feminismo antiimperialista que no se deje manipular por la propaganda de guerra imperialista...,Mundo :: 26/03/2024

Julian Assange: la Justicia británica aplazó su decisión sobre la extradición a Estados Unidos x Página 12.

El fundador de Wikileaks seguirá detenido en el Reino Unido...,Europa :: 26/03/2024.

[Vídeo] Comunistas griegos detienen un tren con tanques de EEUU camino a Ucrania X Sputnik / La Haine.

¡A la guerra! X Beñat Zaldua....,::

REBELION.29 de marzo de  2024

29 de marzo de 2024


29 DE MARZO DE 2024.

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